
What is Co-Creation?

The purpose of co-designing with one another, nature and non-user communities enables us to create one or more than two concepts with the intention to benefit humanity and nature.

Learn more about Co-creation

  • Co-creating, co-designing is about implementing ideation, testing concepts, understanding outcomes and impact by collectively designing with other designers, makers, nature and non-user communities.. Research and prototype is also an essential part of this design phase. Co-creation sessions are a way to think holistically, and co-design by taking action together to discover new perspectives. 

    Nature abounds with examples of emergent properties arising from interconnectedness. How might we design frameworks that tap into this collective potential?

  • Facilitation sessions benefit co-designing practices by implementing ways nature and ecosystems are able to thrive. As much as a buzzword, this fundamental shift is an approach to problem-solving. 

    We co-create as an approach to make a positive, transparent and holistic impact. It helps designers recover and collect clearer insights to be better prepared and innovate holistically.

  • (coming soon)


Life-Centered Design Fundamentals Course

Join designer and creative professionals from all over the world and make the shift from human to life-centered design and make a real impact with your work.

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Jeroen Spoelstra

I am a passionate designer and mountain biker focusing on bringing people forward using a human centered approach. As a designer you could call what I do Social Design, but nowadays there are hundreds of different design names. So for me I am a designer and try to be humble to the world. I like solving issues together with other people in co-design and I love helping people reach there goals.

I find inspiration in mountain biking, traveling and in my current home the Spanish Pyrenees. I use sports, traveling and being outside to get inspired for my work as a designer.

Design to me is constantly shitifing between making meaningful products to creating impactful and real solutions/ approaches/ business that can make a difference.

The Design profession shouldn’t solely be reserved for the designer (in developed world), but for everyone! I design for impact and help people bring out their little designer in himself or herself. I am not saying everyone should become a designer, but I do think people can use a little bit of design to help themselves forward in their personal/ professional life.

Rhythm & Pace


Non-user community