What is Co-Creation?
The purpose of co-designing with one another, nature and non-user communities enables us to create one or more than two concepts with the intention to benefit humanity and nature.
Learn more about Co-creation
Co-creating, co-designing is about implementing ideation, testing concepts, understanding outcomes and impact by collectively designing with other designers, makers, nature and non-user communities.. Research and prototype is also an essential part of this design phase. Co-creation sessions are a way to think holistically, and co-design by taking action together to discover new perspectives.
Nature abounds with examples of emergent properties arising from interconnectedness. How might we design frameworks that tap into this collective potential?
Facilitation sessions benefit co-designing practices by implementing ways nature and ecosystems are able to thrive. As much as a buzzword, this fundamental shift is an approach to problem-solving.
We co-create as an approach to make a positive, transparent and holistic impact. It helps designers recover and collect clearer insights to be better prepared and innovate holistically.
(coming soon)
Life-Centered Design Fundamentals Course
Join designer and creative professionals from all over the world and make the shift from human to life-centered design and make a real impact with your work.